Our target were self-conscious people, mainly with families who appreciate heathy style of living and work-life balance. They provide good, healthy life and prize things such as good quality food or good quality sound that is crucial in our everyday life.
Concept 1. The Light Lovers
Food is not only for feeding. Food Lovers know that.
The same difference is with light. It's not only about making living spaces brighter but it's the art of lighting.
Let's imagine a group of people for whom light is also very important - The Light Lovers.
They value good warm light that is healthy for sight and depend on situation - good for work, romantic or deeply relaxing.
Philips bulbs make the world looking better. They cost more than 'noname' bulbs but are worth that money because of their durability and quality.

The Light Lovers always see the world in a good light.
Health - natural light without flickering
Durability - an average of 15 years of use
Energy efficiency - up to 85% less energy
The guarantee of parameters confirmed by tests
Pro environmental performance
Competitive price - from 12 PLN

Concept 2. It's bright that...
(It's a game of words: in Polish bright = clear.)

It's bright that Philips will take the best care of you.
(It's a game of words: in Polish bright = clear.)
It's bright that It'll take care of the environment
It'll take care of your health - natural light without flickering and UV radiation
It's bright that it's durable - an average of 15 years of use

Even 15 years
Reliable for 15 years
It's bright that Philips will take the best care of you.
(It's a game of words: in Polish bright = clear.)
It's bright that It'll take care of the environment
It'll take care of your health - natural light without flickering and UV radiation
It's bright that it's durable - an average of 15 years of use

From just 14 PLN
It's bright that Philips will take the best care of you.
(It's a game of words: in Polish bright = clear.)
It's bright that It'll take care of the environment
It'll take care of your health - natural light without flickering and UV radiation
It's bright that it's durable - an average of 15 years of use

WEB displays

It's bright that Philips will take the best care of you.
(It's a game of words: in Polish bright = clear.)
It'll take care of durability - an average of 15 years of use
It'll take care of energy efficiency - up to 85% less energy
It'll take care of house budget - from just 14 PLN

It's bright that Philips will take the best care of you.
(It's a game of words: in Polish bright = clear.)
It'll take care of healthy and safety light
It'll take care of durability - an average of 15 years of use
It'll take care of house budget - from just 14 PLN

It's bright that Philips will take the best care of you.
(It's a game of words: in Polish bright = clear.)
It'll take care of healthy and safety light
It'll take care of durability - an average of 15 years of use
It'll take care of the environment

It's bright that Philips will take the best care of you.
(It's a game of words: in Polish bright = clear.)
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