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Lately we were sent on a double mission: to connect New NESTEA250ml launch with Windows Of Freedom digital platform, and to add local touch to online activation aimed at a very specific target group: teens. Especially for them we have created this nonstandard focus group…
After drinking new NESTEA 250 ml it turned out that they are free from all constraints, feelling relaxed.
But there was something more...
They could drink it in short 15 seconds. And that’s how #15secondsoffreedomwas born – a time needed to set you free with Nestea 250 ml.

Then we invited TEENS all over Poland to share their #15secondsoffreedom on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.
We started to appear everywhere where target group is present most of their time.
No, it’s not a school, playing field or shopping mall. Because even if they’re physically there– mentally they’re almost always ONLINE. We all know that of course.
No, it’s not a school, playing field or shopping mall. Because even if they’re physically there– mentally they’re almost always ONLINE. We all know that of course.

And your freee. Show your #15secondsoffreedom and win GoPro!
As long as teens will end up with a FREEDOM factor we’re on the right path.
And, what makes the mission complete: drinking 250 ml NESTEA bottle is established as an ultimate way to feel free!